“Our independent distributors heard very clearly from their customers that they wanted a clean label vegan protein shake that can be made up with water instead of milk."
Food and Agriculture
Herbalife Nutrition

Herbalife Nutrition: Improving Nutrition Habits with High-Quality Products
Discover how Herbalife Nutrition is using science to develop innovative food products for tomorrow’s consumers
Herbalife Nutrition
Herbalife Nutrition: Improving Nutrition Habits with High-Quality Products
Discover how Herbalife Nutrition is using science to develop innovative food products for tomorrow’s consumers
Herbalife Nutrition

A global population on the rise creates certain challenges, such as how to keep everyone fed. The United Nations predicts that global food production will need to increase by an estimated 70% to feed the expected global population of 2050. The need for a robust and effective food industry is more relevant than ever before, but individual lifestyles create further areas of complication. Growing adoption of plant-based diets means that food providers must develop foods that cater to such choices. Additionally, with one in three people suffering from a type of malnutrition, from obesity to micronutrient deficiency, priority must be given to the development of nutritious and sustainable foods that can be produced at high quantities without compromising on quality.
Herbalife Nutrition was founded in 1980 with a simple mission: to improve nutrition habits globally. In the years that followed, Herbalife Nutrition has enjoyed significant growth and now offers its products across over 90+ countries. The company’s most popular product is its meal replacement shake with 5.3 million consumed globally every day, but Herbalife Nutrition also offers a range of products – from protein bars and teas to nutrition supplements and sports nutrition – which are available exclusively through trained, independent Herbalife Nutrition distributors.
At the heart of Herbalife Nutrition’s offering is a clear willingness to listen to its customers and this can be seen in the development of one of its innovative protein shakes, TriBlend Select. Herbalife Nutrition’s Senior Director of Research & Development, Simon Branch, comments on this. “Our independent distributors heard very clearly from their customers that they wanted a clean label vegan protein shake that can be made up with water instead of milk.” Acting on this insight, Herbalife Nutrition developed TriBlend Select, a protein shake made up of a blend of three plant proteins – quinoa, pea and flaxseed – which, when combined, create a complete protein as nutritionally effective as animal protein. It is this kind of innovation that actively showcases how Herbalife Nutrition’s products are actively designed in response to clear customer needs and global trends.
When asked what makes Herbalife Nutrition’s products so special and deliver on consumer needs, Branch has a clear answer. “ Firstly, our Herbalife Nutrition distributors bring their own unique impact to a customer’s experience. When our consumers buy a product from a distributor, that distributor works alongside them, coaching and mentoring them to ensure they meet their health and wellness goals. Secondly, Herbalife Nutrition maintains a steadfast effort to ensuring quality. We conduct over 500,000 tests a year to ensure our products are of the highest possible standard. Each product has a scientific dossier that outlines all of the scientific qualities and attributes of a product.” These features, enjoyed by all Herbalife Nutrition products, ensure that the consumer has the best possible experience and can trust the quality of the product. With such high standards, Herbalife Nutrition demands the very best from its manufacturers. The company has worked with leading manufacturing company, Fine Foods, as its primary third party manufacturer for over 20 years, with both organisations committing to providing consumers with the very highest quality products.
It would be easy for Herbalife Nutrition to concentrate on its current operations without thought for the future. However, as Branch explains, this is far from the case. “We know the world’s population is growing and our food supply needs to be sustainable and scalable. this will require people to shift from animal to plant proteins, something we have been promoting for 40+ years.. We are also making our contributions in terms of reductions in packaging. And all of this is going to demand continuing innovation and investment in the future.” As a clear and innovative driver for its industry, Herbalife Nutrition believes in doing the right things for the planet as well as for its consumers. Such a commitment demonstrates how the food industry can do their part to offer sustainable nutrition, ensuring they are prime contributors when it comes to feeding the population of tomorrow.