“It's time that the spaces that we visit as groups of people also evolve to understand our movement collectively,”

How Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Demystifies Human Movement
MiiM, is an approach to interpreting complex human movement data streams, aiding in understanding what is happening in a space.
How Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Demystifies Human Movement
MiiM, is an approach to interpreting complex human movement data streams, aiding in understanding what is happening in a space.

The development of technology has sparked a variety of incredible discoveries that will improve our lives. To bring mi|im to life, it requires the best that AI, machine learning, and computer science has to offer. mi|im converts individuals moving around the building into dots to remove distractions and complexity so you can focus on pure movement.
“We at MiiM believe movement is a powerful way to convey stories, to convey information, to convey concerns, and to convey behaviour. Movement matters” says the CEO of MiiM, Justin Lindsey.
Deciphering Human Movements
MiiM designed its platform to track and decipher human movements from physical actions in a certain space and convert them into simple dots. This implements a dimensionality reduction, to resolve and simplify complex human actions. Clients can now understand how people use their space and make better decisions.
Putting usability into a more practical situation, MiiM provides a simple two-dimension mapping for human movements. From this data, insights are derived.
“You now have the total path of a person going through your space. Where did they stop? Why did they go from the campaign to buying the thing? The movement matters because now you understand their motions,” explains Lindsey.
In contrast to traditional video, manpower is highly reduced. mi|im simplifies the complex. Instead of interpreting enormous amounts of footage to estimate the situation by the human brain, MiiM provides a world of dots to form a concrete picture of what is happening in space.
Lindsey adds, “When there's an incident happening, we then engage the visual that we've captured, but the footage is secondary to the motion. This is one of the benefits of dots which I think are much more appropriate.
Safeguard of Interspace
With the goal of recognizing and responding more quickly to dislocations and the time it takes for events to be resolved, MiiM continues working to build and deliver compelling products entrenched in this technology.
From a safety standpoint, the benefits of this technology are obvious. “If you see a bunch of dots that then scattered, maybe they are playing a game or maybe someone just pulled a gun,” says Lindsey.
MiiM deploys AI and machine learning techniques to extract intelligence from the movements of the dots in real-time and provide the ability for clients to evaluate the severity of the situation, and ultimately make the world a safer place.
Driving New Ventures
Understanding real-time human motions can offer assistance in driving revenue and corporate growth. In the world of commerce, mi|im essentially provides the same analytics that is available online but applied to physical locations. As the physical world becomes digitized, it is possible to comprehend people's experiences while they travel through space. This can be used to improve space flow, product placement and customer experience.
“It's time that the spaces that we visit as groups of people also evolve to understand our movement collectively,” says Lindsey.