"Ratioform is committed to continuing their sustainability efforts through the development of more ergonomic products and solutions"

Ratioform: Sustainable Packaging Solutions For Tomorrow
More and more products are being shipped, at the same time, awareness of the climate-damaging consequences of packaging waste is increasing.
Ratioform: Sustainable Packaging Solutions For Tomorrow
More and more products are being shipped, at the same time, awareness of the climate-damaging consequences of packaging waste is increasing.

Ratioform is part of the parent company TAKKT, a B2B e-commerce company. In addition to industrial & packaging, the company is also active in the food and office furniture sectors.
Ratioform is the German market leader in packing solutions for the shipping, warehouse and office sectors, offering a wide range of innovative and custom products tailored to meet unique customer requirements.
Ways to Sustainability
Ratioform is committed to creating a sustainable business model throughout their company and range of products, dedicated to introducing new concepts such as hybrid working, through the scheme ‘New Ways of Working’, implemented to benefit their employees and the companies carbon footprint.
In addition, the company has implemented a #enkelfähig rating system for their products and services. Enkelfähig stands for a future worth living in a sustainable, socially just and economically forward-looking world that we can leave to our grandchildren. In this rating system, each product is rated according to the following criteria: profitability, climate change, circularity, biodiversity, and innovation. The score, which is intended to make this measurable, ranges from 1.0 to 5.9 as the best possible rating. For a product to be classified as #enklfäig, it must have a score of min 3.0.
The Terra Performance Brand
With the help of the Terra product line, the ratioform aims to set new standards in the packaging industry. The series includes products from the entire product range, each product is designed to meet the highest sustainability requirements.
Terra products come from local sourcing, and can be recyclable, come from already recycled material, be compostable or come from a sustainable source. All Terra products are CO2 neutral. For all conventional solutions, there are ecological alternatives, including several cartons made from grass paper, paper packing tapes and compostable packing tapes as well as corrugated paper as cushioning. This produces only half the amount of CO2 emissions as cardboard boxes. For temperature-sensitive products, the company offers insulated packaging in collaboration with Landbox®, which is 100% environmentally friendly and can also be purchased in very small quantities.
More than just cardboard
Ratioform is committed to continuing their sustainability efforts through the development of more ergonomic products and solutions and dedicated collaborations with fellow leading sustainable companies. Additionally, the company remains focused on implementing new solutions and social goals internally to improve their company culture and benefit their employees long term.