"The goal is to implement the newly defined understanding of performance globally."
Food and Agriculture
Active Nutrition International

Sustainable performance nutrition from Powerbar
Active Nutrition with its well-known brand Powerbar is revolutionizing the global understanding of performance.
Active Nutrition International
Sustainable performance nutrition from Powerbar
Active Nutrition with its well-known brand Powerbar is revolutionizing the global understanding of performance.
Active Nutrition International

Expansion and development
Since its foundation, Powerbar has expanded its product range and continues to grow. Over the years, more and more products have been developed for various purposes. They have different properties, depending on whether they are meant to refuel energy before or during exercise, or whether one wants to replenish the body's own reserves after exercise. However, they all serve to improve a user’s performance.
The beginning of a new era
The mother company’s focus has not only revolved around the properties of Powerbar’s bars and gels themselves. Active Nutrition International is becoming highly aware of its position in the global economy. As a company in the nutrition sector, the company finds itself at one of the most important crossroads for sustainable action. To live up to this responsibility, ANI has redefined Powerbar’s concept of performance on the basis of three points: conscious action and thinking, collaboration and community and accessibility. Conscious action is understood as an awareness of the social and ecological consequences that one causes. Togetherness (i.e. inclusiveness and accessibility) means that performance should be about community instead of egocentricity and that their products should not be accessible to professional athletes only, but to all people who want to improve their physical performance. These requirements also result in concrete projects.
For example, the company has entered a long-term partnership with the company RePaq® in order to offer all newly developed products in plastic-free packaging. This goal has now been achieved with a new foil made of cellulose, starch and compostable glue. In a 90-180 day period, the foil is completely composted, closing its natural cycle.
The two product lines “True Organic Oat” and “True Organic Protein” are both vegan, certified organic, CO2-neutral, fair trade and in plastic-free packaging. This fulfils both the company's own objective of acting more sustainably and changing customer wishes in this regard. Another aim is to avoid the usage of palm oil and collagen in the future for every newly developed product.
For Powerbar, all these projects are stages on a journey. The goal is to implement the newly defined understanding of performance globally.