Digital Metal is a Swedish-based pioneering company in metal binder jetting and is one of the first companies in the world to develop the metal binder jetting technology
Digital Metal

Digital Metal: a pioneering company in Binder Jetting, a long history in a new technology
Creating a more sustainable method of manufacturing
Digital Metal
Digital Metal: a pioneering company in Binder Jetting, a long history in a new technology
Creating a more sustainable method of manufacturing
Digital Metal

The world is waking up to a new way of thinking about sustainability, how nature is left and protected, and how it can be improved both for today and for future generations to come. It has become important for companies to rethink and question how they have practiced in the past and what can be improved in the future. Innovation and invention mean that the approaches that companies have previously been using might be outdated, and there are now tools which can be utilised and deliver on the promise of sustainability.
Metal Binder Jetting has the advantages of producing complex metal parts with very high precision, is highly scalable, and offers near fully recyclability of used materials. This makes metal binder jetting a superior technology to deliver high volume production using additive manufacturing.
Digital Metal is a Swedish-based pioneering company in metal binder jetting and is one of the first companies in the world to develop the metal binder jetting technology, to try it, to test it and to commercialise and industrialise it. There are only a few companies in the world which use this kind of technology, and Digital Metal is one of the first ones. This has provided the foundation for what Digital Metal is today, an extremely experienced company in this field with a surprisingly long history in such a new technology. Digital Metal’s mission is to advance technology and provide solutions to customers which they may not have had before.
The core benefit of the Digital Metal process is the precision that the technology can achieve by controlling all of the various parts of the entire manufacturing process. The high repeatability is a key enabler for industrialisation. The process is also very cost efficient as it can manufacture parts with very low start-up cost. This creates a freedom of design which comes with 3D technologies.
Holthinrichs Watches are a Dutch watch manufacturer who work with Digital Metal. Watches are made of numerous small, highly detailed parts which have specific uses and functions. Digital Metal was able to offer Holthinrichs Watches greater precision by introducing a new metal Binder Jetting technique which provided far more detail. This means that Holthinrichs Watches can offer direct customisation for its customers, creating shapes which are not possible using other technology.
Digital Metal also work with the American-based additive manufacturing company, Azoth. Azoth is focused on producing blueprint details for product manufacturers, which require a quality centric manufacturing process. Azoth decided to work with Digital Metal since the company have a robust platform and its capabilities have allowed Azoth to utilise its technology in a high product mix, low volume environment with the quality needed in various industries. It has opened up the doors to many end use customers spanning from the consumer goods industry to the automotive industry, medical industry and many more.
Digital Metal has its systems already installed around the world with a customer base that is continuously growing along with developing partnerships. Digital Metal will continue to advance and push boundaries of manufacturing. Digital Metal will provide a metal production solutions that delivers a freedom of design to manufacturing companies, and make it more sustainable than it has been in the past 150 years.